About the Free Company
Currently named "Mostly Harmless", current tag is subject to change on the whims and fancy of whoever is in charge today. In our heart we're always Mostly Harmless. Mostly.
Founded by a few friends and family, Mostly Harmless started as a way for that small group to have access to the benefits of the Free Company system. When housing was added we quickly pooled resources and purchased a small house. When workshops were introduced we then purchased one and in just a short time had fielded our first airship.
Over time we added members and lost a few. We also upgraded first to a medium and finally a large mansion. As we look forward to what the Endwalker expansion brings our FC is ready to tackle the new content as well as any new features added to the Free Company and Housing systems.
We have our own Discord server filled with screenshots, memes, and more. We also hang out to chat some nights and during events.
Our house is located in Plot 30, Ward 19 of Shirogane.
Rules and Tenets
The founding members had never been much for rules. They tended to see rules as too much formality. With more people added to the mix, however, sooner or later a rule or two would likely be needed.
The best way to sum up the rules of the Free Company:
Don't be a jerk.
Everything tends to flow from that simple rule. If more are needed for clarity, here are a few things to keep to mind:
- Avoid using slurs or disparaging language based on race, sexuality, sex or gender, nationality, and so forth - things people are and don't have a choice to be. This includes, but is not limited to, people who are trans, non-binary, or asexual.
- Try to keep general chat channels at about a moderate 'R'-rated movie. Avoid harsh or lewd language in non-FC public channels - set an example to follow. The game is rated 'T' or 'Teen', after all.
- Aim to treat others with decency, whether in the FC or not. Try to play well when grouped with strangers. Please warn your FC-mates if you're gonna screw around on group content - it is fine to do so, provided everyone is aware.
- Avoid negativity, refrain from toxicity; keep a positive mindset and pay forward kindness and respect.
- And so forth...
Our chat tends to trend toward lewd and profanity laced. With that said, we still try to foster a welcoming and positive vibe. A nice vibe with swearing.
Our tenets can be summed up as thus:
- Have fun. If you aren't having fun what's the point?
- Play well. You don't need to be the best, aim to be your best.
- Grow. Play a class you are unfamiliar with, try an EX, pick up crafting.
- Reach out. The FC is here to lean on and raise you up - ask for help when you need it.
- Enrich others. Be a positive force and presence to the FC and the community.
Well! Enough of all that.
Who and what are we looking for in potential new members of our Free Company?
We're open to having many types of players. Recruits can have a variety of interests. Would you be a good fit? Most likely if you like what you've read so far. Here are some examples of reasons that players might want to call our FC 'home':
- Access to FC amenities for small groups and those who prefer to go it mostly alone
- Random socializing and pick-up groups with known players for roulettes, dungeons, extremes, or unsynced content
- A haven for those with social anxiety or just shy - wanting to be around people at their own pace, and who understand and support them
- New, returning, novice, or veteran players
Whatever your reasons, if we sound like a group you'd like to hang out with and be associated with, we would like to hear from you. Please contact us in-game or use the button below to learn how to apply. Happy adventures in Eorzea, whether you choose to join or go another way!
MH Event Guidelines
The basic FC rule is simple - don't be a jerk. This applies to Events just as it does FC chat, etc. While we're generally rough and tumble, and certainly lewd at times, some topics are 'off-limits'. Anti-LGBTQ, misogynistic, or racist jokes and banter are NOT welcome. You are always welcome to make fun of NT (N'tajha Khai in-game), however, especially when he dies to seriously easy stuff he really should have avoided.
Event Times
Event Sign-Ups
Please notify NT in-game (in-person not through mail) or via Discord as soon as you know you desire to attend a posted Event Night. If you will be late to an Event Night let NT know in advance to reserve your spot. On the Event Night if you are late without notifying NT ahead of time you may lose your slot to a back-up attendee. If we consistently get more sign-ups than available slots for Event Nights we may look at a rotational slotting basis or running more than one Event Team. The host for the event will make the final determination on who is slotted.
Crafted Items
If you want an item crafted with some of the loot you've collected NT and Shishi (Taishi Dazkar), as well as several others, should be able to craft anything you need crafted at no charge. You may need to provide additional materials depending on what you want crafted. While NT and Shishi often have extra materials around they can provide, you are responsible for all required mats if they don't have them available for you.
Map Nights
If you have a gatherer at level 90 please gather at least 2-3 maps for Map Night for yourself. If you are unable to gather your own maps NT will provide a map or two for you. When a "Thief Map" drops we will run it as a group as the next map regardless of whose 'turn' it is in the map rotation. The normal map rotation is just going through the player list in alphabetical order.
Maps have a level requirement. We'll need at least 4 people at the max level of the maps for the night to ensure we can clear the trap mobs and treasure rooms. Under-leveled players will have last priority when slotting for a Map Night if we have more than 8 people signed up.
You must have access to all of the zones that could be targeted by the maps we are running. Ideally you should also have flight access but you may be able to charm one of the other attendees into ferrying you for the evening if you are missing flight in one or more areas.
Loot Rules
Any loot that drops directly into your inventory is yours to keep. Any rolled loot is passed on by everyone except for the "loot keeper" who will roll Need on all rolled loot to create a loot pool. When a gambler's choice occurs although you may get advice, encouragement, or discouragement from the group it is up to the map holder how much risk they wish to take. At the end of Map Night we use /dice to determine an order for choosing loot from the loot pool. We will usually place additional items or gil bundles into the loot pool. This is generally how much of the loot returned by our airships or submarines is distributed. The goal is to make sure everyone gets a chance at some loot and ideally everyone walks away with at least one piece of loot.
***NEW FOR ENDWALKER*** Due to the addtion of very rare, very valuable loot the following additional rule will be in place. If a piece of loot drops that is worth more than 2,000,000 gil on the MB (at the time) it will be sold and the net proceeds distributed equally among all attendees for that map night. If you would like to keep one of these rare items a seperate /dice will be rolled and the winner can 'buy out' the item by paying what would be each person's share of that item. If we are running multiple map teams these 'high value' items will be pooled between the teams.
Mount Nights
Level Requirements
The elemental horses or "ponies" require that you are level 50+ with the appropriate Extremes (EX or EXs) unlocked to enter. The elemental lanners or "birds" require that you are level 60+ with the appropriate EXs unlocked to enter. The elemental kamuy or "dogs" require that you are level 70+ with the appropriate EXs unlocked to enter. The gwibers or "dragons" require that you are level 80+ with the appropriate EXs unlocked to enter. If you need help unlocking EXs let NT know and we can schedule a date and time to get your EXs unlocked. Please have EXs unlocked prior to the scheduled Mount Night so that we can spend as much time attempting for mount drops as possible.
What We'll Target
If we have a group that is mixed (some need ponies, some need birds, etc) we will likely target the lowest level EXs first but may set a time that we will switch to targeting the higher level EXs. For the level 50, or ARR EXs, consider asking NT for help on non-Mount Nights. The ARR EXs can be easily soloed and we might be able to get you some ponies on non-Mount Nights.
Loot Rules
When mounts drop anyone may roll Need. If you win a crafting material, song roll, or other similar loot, please pass on any subsequent drops of that type for that particular night to ensure everyone has a shot at getting some loot.
EX Nights
To enter an Extreme or Minstrel's Ballad Trial you must first have completed the Normal or Story version of that Trial. Please have the EX or Ballad unlocked prior to the EX Night's scheduled time. If you need help unlocking the EX or Ballad contact NT.
When sign-ups exceed 8 we will try to rotate in the additional players so that they can get a shot at clears for the night. Players who can fill more than one role may be asked to fill a specific role for the night to ensure a balanced party.
Loot Rules
If pick-up group party members (PUGs) are included either check with them to determine if they are ok with the following rules for loot otherwise use open Need/Greed rolls if you don't want to use the following rules or if they decline to use the rules below. Do not use lootmaster to steer loot away from a PUG and toward FC members.
- Weapons -
- Generally each player should recieve one coffer before anyone recieves a second coffer, each should recieve a second before anyone recieves a third, and so forth. The dropped weapons are generally open Need/Greed rolls but if a weapon drops for someone's fully leveled alt class please consider passing for that person.
- Other Gear -
- Gear such as accessories are generally open Need/Greed rolls.
- Crafting Material -
- Ideally the first material dropped is donated to the FC to create the trophy for the Trial, if available, so that we can showcase our victory. Beyond this materials are generally open Need/Greed rolls.
- Mounts -
- Mounts are generally open Need/Greed rolls.
- Song Rolls and other Loot -
- All other loot is generally open Need/Greed rolls.
If you win a crafting material, song roll, or other similar loot, please pass on any subsequent drops of that type for that particular night to ensure everyone has a shot at getting some loot. If rules other than the above are being used for the night they must be explained in full prior to the first pull and again if any party members are rotated out.
Unsynced Raids
The 8-person raids have level requirements - 50 for "Coils", 60 for "Alexander", 70 for "Omega", 80 for "Eden". Please have the initial quest completed so that we can start right away on Raid Night. During the Raid Night we will provide time for people to watch cut-scenes and complete the between raid quests. Don't feel as though you must skip cut-scenes or move through them too quickly. These nights are setup for you to enjoy both the raids and the story-lines. If you need help with the initial quests let NT know and we can help you get started.
Loot Rules
Unless otherwise discussed and agreed upon, all loot is open Need/Greed rolls on Unsynced Raid events.